What is the value of 1 ETH?
Ethereum is a type of digital money, and its main unit is called ETH (Ethereum). Just like how 1 dollar might be worth different things at different times, the value of 1 ETH changes too. People buy and sell ETH on special online places called exchanges, and the price can go up or down based
Where Did All the FTX Money Go?
The story of FTX, a big cryptocurrency exchange, is like a rollercoaster ride. At first, it was super popular and lots of people invested their money there. But then, everything went wrong, and many are now asking, “Where did all the FTX money go?” FTX was created by a man named Sam Bankman-Fried, who became
Who has Invested in THETA?
THETA is a blockchain based platform that focuses on video streaming and delivery. It aims to improve the way we share and watch videos online. People can earn rewards for sharing their excess bandwidth. But how did it get to where it is now? One important part of its story is who has invested in
Is Stacks a Good Long-Term Investment?
Stacks is a new type of blockchain that is conected to Bitcoin. It lets people create apps and smart contracts while using the security of Bitcoin. But when thinking about investing in Stacks, it’s important to understand if it’s a good idea for the long term. Investments can go up or down, so knowing what